Good Morning.
I'm loving my new website and blog. It is very much still in its infancy so please support, like, share etc. We are nowhere on google ranking yet so we do need your help.
The old website can still be seen on google but obviously we have lost all that, but it was really outdated so time for fresh new info.
The old one was www.cyprussunmedconnections.com.......what a blooming mouth full!! Try typing your email every time. That's another thing I have a new email address, Instead of jo@cyprussunmedconnections.com it is now jo@cyprussunmed.com
We have a very active Facebook page though which is:- https://www.facebook.com/CyprusSunMedConnections/
There is a closed FB page as well but this will be shut down soon and we will only have the one page.
All PM messages sent to the FB page are answered by myself so very private.
Oh and I have twitter which is.......https://twitter.com/Cyprussunmed
On the new website there will be a page for reviews to be posted eventually but i will still be using What Clinic as this the biggest, most professional medical tourism website and they verify all reviews placed so that you know they are accurate reviews and not made up ones. The link to check out our reviews is:-