Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a deeply personal procedure, and it's important that you're doing it for yourself and not for someone else, even if that person has offered to pay for it. Patient satisfaction is high, specifically when they want the procedure themselves.
You may be a candidate for breast augmentation if:
You are physically healthy and you aren't pregnant or breastfeeding
You have realistic expectations
Your breasts are fully developed
You are bothered by the feeling that your breasts are too small
You are dissatisfied with your breasts losing shape and volume after pregnancy, weight loss or with aging
You are unhappy with the upper part of your breast appearing "empty"
Your breasts are asymmetrical
One or both breasts failed to develop normally or have an elongated shape
Special Offer May 2018...3100 euros only
Limited downtime
At Cyprus Sun Med Plastic Surgery, scheduling Liposuction has become simpler than ever before. Our personalized Liposuction plan provides patients with the body they want with very low downtime. performed as a day patient under local or general anesthetic( dependent on how many areas).
What liposuction can treat
Hips and buttocks
Abdomen and waist
Upper arms
Inner knee
Chest area
Cheeks, chin and neck
Calves and ankles
Face Lift
New fresher you in no time
The MACS face lift is ideal for patients wanting to reconstruct sagging jowls and/or neck. The surgery is also beneficial for reducing excess skin around the cheek area. A good candidate for MACS surgery is someone who, while experiencing sagging in these areas, still has some elasticity in the skin. Patients are most commonly between the ages of 40-60, however the surgery is still very often beneficial to those above the age of 60. Overnight stay required.
Tummy Tuck/Mini Tummy Tuck
Mummy Make Overs
Tummy tuck surgery, also known as abdominoplasty, removes excess fat and skin and, in most cases, restores weakened or separated muscles creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.
A flat and well-toned abdomen is something many of us strive for through exercise and weight control. Sometimes these methods cannot achieve our goals.
Even individuals of otherwise normal body weight and proportion can develop an abdomen that protrudes or is loose and sagging. The most common causes of this include:
Prior surgery
Significant fluctuations in weight
Special Offer May 2018...all Tummy tucks include free liposuction to upper tummy and hips/flanks.
Refreshed Look
Blepharoplasty (BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee) is a type of surgery that repairs droopy eyelids and may involve removing excess skin, muscle and fat. As you age, your eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess fat may gather above and below your eyelids, causing sagging eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags under your eyes.
Besides making you look older, severely sagging skin around your eyes can reduce your side vision (peripheral vision), especially the upper and outer parts of your field of vision. Blepharoplasty can reduce or eliminate these vision problems and make your eyes appear younger and more alert.
To help decide if blepharoplasty is right for you, find out what you can realistically expect and explore the benefits and risks of blepharoplasty.
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammaplasty, is a procedure to remove excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size more in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with excessively large breasts (macromastia).
Disproportionately large breasts can cause both physical and emotional distress for patients. Patients with macromastia may experience physical discomfort resulting from the weight of their breasts. The resulting pain can make it challenging for some patients to perform common physical activities. Along with the physical ailments of macromastia, some patients may suffer from emotional distress or more significant mental health problems as a result of their large breasts.
Although breast reduction is often performed to address medical issues, patients who do not have the symptoms of macromastia but are unhappy with the size of their breasts can still pursue breast reduction as an aesthetic procedure. Patients choosing to undergo breast reduction surgery for cosmetic reasons may cite any number of factors, including social stigmas and wardrobe concerns.
Breast Uplift
Perkier Breasts
A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, raises the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.
New statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons show breast lifts have grown 70% since 2000, outpacing breast implants 2-to-1.
Sometimes the areola becomes enlarged over time, and a breast lift will reduce this as well.
A breast lift can rejuvenate your figure with a breast profile that is more youthful and uplifted. A woman's breasts often change over time, losing their youthful shape and firmness. These changes and loss of skin elasticity can result from:
Weight fluctuations
Male Breast Reduction
Gynecomastia (guy-nuh-koh-MAS-tee-uh) is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Gynecomastia can affect one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly. Newborns, boys going through puberty and older men may develop gynecomastia as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, though other causes also exist.
Generally, gynecomastia isn't a serious problem, but it can be tough to cope with the condition. Men and boys with gynecomastia sometimes have pain in their breasts and may feel embarrassed.
Gynecomastia may go away on its own. If it persists, medication or surgery may help
Armlift & Thighlift
Get rid of those bingo wings & Wobbly inner thighs
An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that: Reduces excess sagging skin that droops downward. Tightens and smoothes the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm. Reduces localized pockets of fat in the upper arm region.
Thigh lift is an excellent way to achieve firmer and more attractive upper legs. This procedure is especially helpful for those who struggle with loose, excess skin as a result of weight loss. A thigh lift, or thighplasty, involves the removal excess skin, fat, and tissue to tone and refine the upper legs.
Hylaronic Acid Fillers
Hyaluronic acid injections can be used to improve the skin's contour and reduce depressions in the skin due to scars, injury or lines. You can see potentially dramatic improvements for:
Acne scars
Cheek depressions
Crow's feet at the corner of your eyes
Deep smile lines that run from the side of the nose to corners of the mouth (also known as nasolabial furrows)
Frown lines between the eyebrows
Marionette lines at the corners of the mouth
Redefining lip border
Scars including burns, acne and those caused by wounds
Smoker's lines; vertical lines on the mouth
Some facial scars
Worry lines that run across your forehead
Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in your body. High concentrations are found in soft connective tissues and in the fluid surrounding your eyes. It's also in some cartilage and joint fluids, as well as skin tissue. It is extracted and reformulated and now has become one of the most popular kinds of injectable fillers. If the term sounds familiar, it's because the same substance is often injected into the aching joints of people with arthritis to ease pain and provide extra cushioning.
Defines your profile
Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a "nose job" or "nose reshaping" by patients, enhances facial harmony and the proportions of your nose. It can also correct impaired breathing caused by structural defects in the nose.
What surgical rhinoplasty can treat
Nose size in relation to facial balance
Nose width at the bridge or in the size and position of the nostrils
Nose profile with visible humps or depressions on the bridge
Nasal tip that is enlarged or bulbous, drooping, upturned or hooked
Nostrils that are large, wide or upturned
Nasal asymmetry
If you desire a more symmetrical nose, keep in mind that everyone's face is asymmetric to some degree. Results may not be completely symmetric, although the goal is to create facial balance and correct proportion.
Rhinoplasty to correct a deviated septum
Nose surgery that's done to improve an obstructed airway requires careful evaluation of the nasal structure as it relates to airflow and breathing.
Correction of a deviated septum, one of the most common causes of breathing impairment, is achieved by adjusting the nasal structure to produce better alignment.